Saturday, September 13, 2008

great photoshoot today!

check out ElleMarie Photography

email and let me know when i can shoot YOU!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

spanish lessons

titter has a spiral notebook in which she does her homework. today, she forgot it and this is the conversation that took place between little and titter:
little: titter! titter! you notebook!
titter: little, it's my homework. notebook is how you say it in spanish.

and later, getting little ready for a nap, here is the conversation that took place between the two of us:
me: baby, please close your eyes and we'll go mimi together
little: mine eyes closed mama
me: no. they. are. not. please close them.
little: (smiles and says) they closed in spanish.
i had to leave before i wet my pants from laughing so hard!

it is so wrong that i am not correcting their "spanish"?

baby brudda's on his way!

little: i cook baby brudda in ma pansa
(translation: i have baby brother in my tummy)
me: you do?
little: yup. he's name jackson
me: really?
little: i teach him be quiet. titter get mad if too loud. i teach him run fast be strong too.
me: (suppressing a giggle) is that what you have to do when you get too loud for titter?
little: yoooooou bet! (and a smile)

baby brudder in my pansa

i love these nalgas!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

they be some fu-unky people at the fair

none of course who read this blog, or who are related (we think/hope).
i won't describe anything/one because you have all seen them and to even attempt a description wouldn't do justice. i just have one word to say: dude!?!?!

on another note, grandma, granddaddy, auntie rebekah, the daisies and i spent an entire day and had the greatest face paintin', apple pickin', funnel cakin', turkey leg gobblin, princess hair wearin', pony lookin', giganzo bubble blowin' and deep...fried...OREO...devourin' great time!

a chick after my own heart: loving the spotlight!

these next two were taken at the end. not like you needed to be clued in.

Monday, September 8, 2008

top of the world!

we went to the sandia crest to scope out the digs for the 2nd annual american cancer society's climb to conquer cancer. while we were up there, we went to the top and gabri exclaimed: mommy! i can see the whooooole world!

my very beautiful, amazingly talented and passionate friend Torio. if there was a volunteer of the universe award, she would totally win it. l.o.v.e. her!