Monday, February 26, 2007

inaugural blog

i can't believe it...i finally succumbed and fell victim to (insert dramatic music score here)...the BLOG! i haven't quite decided the format or purpose of the BLOG, so bear with me while it is under construction. maybe this will turn into a great literary work, i will make millions of dollars and retire fabulously wealthy in a little villa in espain. or it could be a quick way for you to keep up on the growth spurts and wonderfully hilarious antics of the daisy girls...we shall soon see. in the meantime...

i have an amazingly gifted, beautiful, blessed, insightful, funny funny funny friend (brianna saban; check out her here) who invited us over for a photoshoot (amazing should hire her!). here are just 2 pics of what she caught. keep an eye out for more to come!


brianna saban said...

no...YOU are amazing my friend!

i wuv you daisy girlsssss!!!!

i love your blog.
keep it going.
i just added you to my faves!!!

Unknown said...

Yous are gifts that keep on giving and giving. Just think, I knew you before you were a Blogger! XOXOXO