Monday, February 4, 2008

forty years

my parents recently celebrated their 40th anniversary (yep, 40 years. together. wow.). we had a surprise party for them a few weeks ago and one of the guests at the party said, "sh!t...i've been married twice and i don't have 40 years between the two of them!" while preparing for the party, i was looking through some old photos for a slide show. here are some of the gems i found ( i tried to load them in order, but they didn't...bear with me while i try to figure this blog-thing out):

nice dress, mom...and check out the crocheted pillow
(and who dresses your kids?!?!?)

us: surprise!!!
daddy: surprise what?!?!
mom: uh, our anniversary, dear
daddy: but it's not for a few weeks
mom: right. that's the surprise

love after 40 years.
(i get teary when i see this photo)

i am so cute in this picture!

and this one, too. i swear yaya makes this same face. this is my mammaw and pappaw (my dad's hair, bertie!)

first and last time you'll ever see me in a bikini


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! The one of your parents makes ME teary-eyed, too, and I've never even met your dad! (I love your photo shoot of them as well somewhere else on this blog.)

GRANDMA Bertie????? She looks younger than me in that picture. My youngest child isn't much older than you are in that.

And YES, you're cute in all those pictures! (And the new one you put with your profile!)

brianna saban said...

oh my gosh---those old pictures are fab!

yaya looks JUST LIKE YOU DID as a baby!!!
just like you!

how wonderful to see your parents still in la-la-love.
what a great way to grow up.

awesome post:)
