Saturday, March 17, 2007

what a bunch of crop!

tee hee! now that i have your attention, here are 2 pics that i now have hanging in the foyer. i know you could just die...they are so beautiful if i do say so myself!

now for a quick gabri-ism. we were saying our night prayers and while she almost has it down pat, she still needs a little prompting. this is gabri's version of "angel of God":

angel of God my "garden" dear to whom God's love commits me here. ever this "steak" be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide amen.

oh she makes me smile!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

and yet another montage...

this is just a super quick one that i put together. i can't believe how much fun this is! if only i didn't have to eat or sleep!

american idol watch out!

my oldest girlfriend (i love saying that...i've known her the longest, but i'm actually older than her) had an american idol birthday party for her oldest, my goddaughter. here is a montage of the kiddies enjoying the karaoke machine. i'm currently working on a montage of the's hard to tell who had more fun!

here it is:jenny's gonna kill me!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

addiction? i want it!

talk about an addictive personality! if there is something out there that is remotely cool, i gotta have it or do it. i can *never* go into something and do it half-way. it has to be all or nothing. do or die. sink or swim. flight or...ok, you get the gist. so here's (one of) my new addiction(s): photoshop. my mom is my enabler. she is teaching me some super cool things to do with pictures (and saving me the $900 i would have spent on a class) and this is my latest experiment:
this is the original photo

do you see how the color is fading from right to left? man! this is like totally cool!
and another original
this one makes me want to cry, i love it so much!

uh-kay uh-kay uh-kay (my imitation of joe pesci). last juan!



that's my queue to say good night gracie!
g'night gracie!