Wednesday, February 27, 2008

i never thought i would say something this ____ (fill in the blank)


i never.
thought i would think this, let alone actually say it.
let me show you some pictures, then i'll tell the brief story.

yaya in her hamper.
because she can.
(or because her sister can make her get in it.)

devising a plan of action.
(or advising her on how to cover up the blood and bruises)

pay no attention to what is growing on the carpet.
instead, would you look at that face? this child is always smiling!
no matter what her sister does to her.
and believe me, if she cried constantly for the rest of her life, it would not make up for what she goes through on a daily basis.

ok. so i'm working on the computer at the kitchen table. gabri coaxes yaya into the hamper with a bowl of kix (kid tested, mother approved)...much like the hunter traps the fox i would think. as soon as yaya is in the hamper, this crazy laughter comes from deep within the belly of my sweet, ahem, three year old. all of a sudden, she is running around the house (on hardwood floors) dragging her sister in the hamper. all the while not exactly in the upright position. after quite a few minutes of this, someone who has possessed my body and who sounds an awful lot like me says, "gabri can you please drag your sister on the carpet instead of the hard floor?" and she kindly responds, "good idea mommy."

what the blank kind of mother is that?

a super cool one if you ask me!


Louise said...

where are the pictures while dragging was taking place!?

of course you're a good mother. that little episode provided you how much time of interruption-free work time? always good!

brianna saban said...


when are yaya and ash gonna fall in love? we need to start this process NOW if we want it to stick.
let's get their little butts together SOON!
