Monday, January 5, 2009


my sweet darling daughters were in the Christmas pageant.
titter was honored with the role of Mary, and little was a sheep. let me tell you, little practiced her line as though she was up for a tony award: "baaaaa!" she baaa-ed better than any sheep i've ever heard, and with the family i married in to, i've heard a fair amount of sheep. in practicing for this momentous occasion, the girls thought a dress rehearsal was due. titter, of course, was Mary, but little decided to be the understudy for the angel, jofus, the donkey, and little Lord Jesus. the photo below is when all was calm, all was bright. round yon virgin mother, child and adoring angel were at their best:

and this is when little was denied the role of "ledo lo' Jesus". ooh, she was mad. screaming at the top of her lungs, cursing as only a 2-year old can, throwing a 10-point tantrum declaring, "YOU are not my friend. I am my ONEY friend. i am CANCELLING you from my BIR-DAAAAAAAAAAY." (and then insert an additional high-pitched screaming tantrum here):
of course, this is followed by titter being oh. so. bored...


Louise said...

I know all about tantrums like that... and unfortunately the boredom the next millisecond. GREAT story.

just me said...

Ellianna DID have the best Baaaa I've ever heard! She was also the most beautiful "sheep" I've ever seen, and I have seen many!