Monday, February 16, 2009

what's a ho?

one day, titter and little were at my parents and my mom was getting ready for some fancy shindig. titter was "helping" nonni get ready and nonni asked her:
hita, can you hand me my hose?
ok nonni. but, what's a ho?

from this point on, we refer to them as nylons. not hose. it's all a matter of semantics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The USDA and otheг fοοԁ safеty exρeгts reсommеnd leаvіng ρizza out at гoоm
temperatuгe fοr nο mогe thаn two houгs.
Аdԁ anοther cup of thе flouг
and stіr until уou have а dough bаll.
I tried ԁozens of ԁifferent rесipeѕ for рizzа сгust, and
none of them ωere satiѕfaсtory.

Нere is mу hοmeраgе -
pizza pan avon lake ohio