Thursday, September 27, 2007


this is the number of calories (on average) a mom consumes on a daily basis. how do i know this? because i have over three years experience under my belt. i woke up this morning and found a 1/4 full capri sun next to my bed. i was thirsty, so i drank it. on my way to get yaya from her crib (at 530 this morning), i found some cheerios. i was hungry, so i ate them. then a piece of breakfast cookie (it was oatmeal raisin. very healthy). fixed the girls oatmeal with blueberries. they ate what they could, then i ate the rest (because there are starving children in ethiopia). milk. juice. winnie the pooh cookies. kix. crackers. turkey slices. banana. more blueberries. cheese. a sucker. tea. cheese its. (a bite of) tuna casserole. juice. winnie the pooh crackers. chocolate milk. winnie the pooh crackers. i can say, however, that i did not eat breakfast, lunch or dinner, so that cancels out all the other calories, right?

let's see...what's the gabri-ism for today? oh i got it. i got upset at her for one reason or another and she stopped me in mid-getting-mad-at-her-mode and said, "mommy, how do you make your face go like that?" talk about a reality check. i think that's her way of saying i need to chill out (or i need botox). she is only three. i am the adult. most of the time.


brianna saban said...
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brianna saban said...

oh my gosh!
i sooooooo had some catching up to do.
you have been such a busy blogger and i didn't have a clue.
i'm gonna check on you WAAAAAAY more often.
this is such a cool blog mama.
i love your sense of humor and your pics and of course gabri's insight into life.
you daisy girls rock.

i love you mucho,
b diddy:)