Thursday, September 13, 2007

uh as in monkey

gabri is learning letters and sounds in school and they just finished learning the letter "p". pa-pa-pizza. pa-pa-parrot. pa-pa-panda. pa-pa-purple. on and on and on. yesterday they started on with the letter "u" (don't ask me where q, r, s, and t went). you-you-unicorn. uh-uh-uncle. uh-uh-monkey. wait, huh? "no, hita, it's ma-ma-monkey. m for monkey". "no, mommy, listen uh-uh-monkey." although i tried putting my teaching hat on and 'splaining it to the best of my (in)ability, there are some things three year olds know that no one else does.
this is her, "duh, mom" face. i'd say she has the look down pat.

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